Integrate Trauma-Informed Professional’s Directory


 It is s up to the choice of the individual seeking services from our list to do so at their discretion. The providers on our list come recommended, but we are not responsible for any interaction between those seeking services and those providing hereafter. This list provides links to other websites not managed or controlled by Integrate Trauma-Informed Network. The network does not take responsibility for information on any external website, nor should this information be used to substitute professional medical treatment. Providers associated with Integrate Network are not employed by the network and are held liable for their services.

Our Integrate Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) are human service providers with a knack for creating learning experiences that help make this platform greatFrom Reiki to Trauma-Informed Yoga to Accessibility and Gentle Parenting, Our Subject Matter Experts each bring their unique worldview and teachings to our content. The Integrate Leadership Team has vetted each one of these Trauma-Informed Human Service providers and digital humanitarians, is expertly trained, and possesses years of professional experience. Please read our Subject Matter Experts list to learn more about each person.

Our Integrate trauma-informed subject matter experts must demonstrate competency in the following human-centered decision and communication skills within their scope of practice:

  • Understand a survivor’s perspective

  • Mirroring the language of a person or target audience

  • Brings mindful awareness to how words and actions impact survivors

  • Demonstrate how culture and race impact communication in how they talk to people one-on-one, in small groups, and/or in large audiences.

  • Uses boundaries to express purposeful connection and community.

You can begin your trauma-informed upskill process by taking our Driving Social Impact Course, which aims to teach human care providers and human-centered business professionals trauma-informed skills.

 Human Care Provider’s list:

The list below is our list of trauma-informed professionals who are client-facing solopreneurs working within the therapy, education, wellness, and healthcare sectors. Look through the list or use the search engine to find a trauma-informed therapist, yoga teacher, or wellness professional.

See the List of Human Care Providers within our community at the link below:

Human Care Provider List

Social Impact Catalyst List

A vetted list of business-focused professionals who hold up trauma-informed ethics, decision-making and communication skills.

Trauma Informed Business Professional List